
Embrace the Power of Moon Cycles on Your Spiritual Journey

Embrace the Power of Moon Cycles on Your Spiritual Journey The moon has been encapsulating the hearts and minds of humanity for millennia. Shaping everything from ancient legends to contemporary scientific research. Our ancestors have always understood her deep connection and influence on our emotions, psyche and environment around us.  The moon plays a pivotal

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Finding The Right Reiki Master For You

Finding The Right Reiki Master For You If you are reading this, I assume you are looking for a Reiki Master. If so, then fucking YES BABE! I am so excited and grateful that another soul is looking to acquire the gift of Reiki! It is life-transforming! Not just for your life. But for others,

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Reiki & I: My Soul’s Journey

Reiki & I – My souls journey My love story with Reiki, starts from when I was just a little girl. I didn’t have a fucking clue what Reiki was back then. I wouldn’t even find Reiki until I was 21 years old. But I’ve always been curious and excited and enchanted about all things

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Fuck New Year Resolutions

journaling improves mental well-being This month I want to talk about the simple act of writing and how it can help your mental well-being. Writing, also known as journaling, is a powerful tool to have in your wellness toolkit! Have you ever pushed down your emotions? I’m sure all of us, from time to time, have

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Journaling Improves Mental Well-being

journaling improves mental well-being This month I want to talk about the simple act of writing and how it can help your mental well-being. Writing, also known as journaling, is a powerful tool to have in your wellness toolkit! Have you ever pushed down your emotions? I’m sure all of us, from time to time, have

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The Gut Mind Connection

THE Gut Mind CONNECTION  I would love to talk about something very basic that can have a huge impact on Your mental wellbeing and that is food!  The nutrition you consume doesn’t just affect your physical body. It also affects your emotional and mental health. Food even affects your energy body too! Did you know

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Healthy Habits for a Healthy Mind

HEALTHY HABITS FOR A HEALTHY MIND Basic lifestyle changes and healthy habits can have a really positive effect on your mental wellbeing. As well as your overall being.  I know for me when I went through a very dark time with with post-natal depression after my first baby, many of the below habits really helped

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What The Fuck is Distance Reiki?

WHAT THE FUCK IS DISTANCE REIKI? The Reiki healing system was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s in Japan and is now a very sought after treatment across the western world. The word, Reiki (Pronounced Ray-Key) stands for “The Universal Life Force Energy”. Rei – Universal life Ki – Energy How Reiki

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12 Types Of Specialist Angels

12 Types Of Specialist Angels Angels are always at the ready to step in and help you. But they cannot interfere with your free will so you need to ask them for guidance. You can do this by asking your guardian angel or you can call upon specialist angels to help you with matters they

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Stop Overthinking Meditation!

Stop overthinking meditation Are you one of those people that find it hard to meditate? Well don’t worry, I did too at first! Why? Because I had a perception that mediation was much a bigger thing than it actually is. I was worrying whether or not I was doing it right. Am I breathing deep

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How To Call Upon Angels

HOW TO CALL UPON ANGELS To call upon angels is so much easier then you think. I call upon angels every day. I ask archangel Raphael to help me with Reiki on nearly a daily basis. I often call upon specialist angels such as fitness angels to help me stay motivated and keep to an

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What Does “Energy” Mean?

WHAT I MEAN WHEN I TALK ABOUT “ENERGY” So what do I mean when I say “energy”? If you have read my other blogs you will see I speak about “energy” quite a lot! “How to cleanse your energy”, “how to protect yourself from others energy” and so on, so forth. Thus, I thought I

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3 Visualisations To Cleanse And Balance The Chakras

3 VISUALISATIONS TO CLEANSE & BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS It is imperative to cleanse and balance the chakras. Especially if you are a sensitive person! Blocked chakras can affect your thoughts, attitude, emotions and even your physical health. So it’s important to know how to cleanse and balance your energy processors. Below I have listed three

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30 Tony Robbins Quotes That Will Change Your Perception On Life

30 Tony Robbins Quotes That Will Change Your Perception On Life Now, where do I start with Tony Robbins? This glorious guru has inspired and empowered over 50 million people across the globe! Tony Robbins is a salesman for self-progression. Passionate about changing others mindset on life, on other people and most importantly themselves. I

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How Blocked Chakras can Damage your Health.

Blocked Chakras can Damage your Health. Blocked chakras are caused by the build-up of stagnant energy in the energy system. We absorb and give energy to nearly everything that surrounds us! thoughts, emotions, words, sounds, nature, weather. The list goes on! Some people more than others, like empaths! All the vibrations we encounter are processed

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How To Set Up your Sacred Meditation Area.

How To Set Up your Sacred Meditation Area. Although you can meditate doing most activities. It’s extremely refreshing to have meditation sessions in a special place. Just for you. Such as when you want to heal and cleanse your chakras. Or when you want to have a long, deep meditation to connect with your subconscious. So

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The 7 Chakras and their Connection to your Body and Life.

the chakras & their connection to your body & life The concept of Chakras has been around for thousands and thousands of years! The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language meaning “wheel”. These energy centres are like vortexes of spinning energy. Processing our fast vibrating energy. Our emotions and consciousness. Just like our body

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Could you be the Universe to Something Much Smaller?

Could you be the Universe to Something Much Smaller? Since a young age, I have found it fascinating how our bodies and work. Whilst we go along doing our normal life we have an army of 37.2 trillion wonderful cells within us. All of which consist of smaller organelles that constantly work together to keep

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BEWARE LSD KILLS! A recent scientific study has stuck its middle finger up at the laws of the land when it comes to Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Also known as Acid. This psychedelic drug was mistakenly found in 1938, by Albert Hofmann. A Swiss Chemist, who was seeking to find A blood stimulant. Albert didn’t

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We All Have Our Own Healing Ability

We All Have Our Own Healing Ability Yes, you read it, we all have our own ability to heal ourselves. All the medicine that we receive, whether it be a conventional pill or operation, holistic healing such as Reiki, aromather apy or acupuncture; can only boost our own bodies’ ability to heal itself It’s already

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5 Ways Essential Oils Can Help You

5 Ways Essential Oils Can Help You Essential oils healing abilities have been utilized by many cultures around the world since accident times. Historians have found the holistic oils being used by Egyptians since 4500bc. They believed these oils was crucial to be one with god, so only priests and pharaohs had access to aromatic

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Science Phenomenon Verifies Us Humans Share Thoughts!

Science Phenomenon Verifies Us Humans Share Thoughts! Crazy as it may sound to some, we humans telepathically interconnect with each other without realising it. Have you ever had that moment, when you’re thinking about something and then somebody voices your thought? That’s because we are all made of consciousness, thoughts to be exact.  Hence why

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15 Archangels you can Call Upon for Help.

15 Archangels you can Call Upon for Help Many of us need to call upon the Archangels for help from time to time. But many of us don’t know which angel to call upon. So, I have put together a list of 15 Archangels and explained how each of these beautiful beings can help you.

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Change Your Words, Change Your Future

CHANGE YOUR WORDS, CHANGE YOUR FUTURE Words are more tangible and powerful than we realise. Like everything that exists, words are a vibration of energy. They influence our thoughts and emotions, which can really impact our lives. Not to mention the Law of Attraction we bring to ourselves. When we use negative words and phrases,

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Learn How to Reclaim & Retain Your Energy

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