The concept of Chakras has been around for thousands and thousands of years! The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language meaning “wheel”.
These energy centres are like vortexes of spinning energy. Processing our fast vibrating energy. Our emotions and consciousness. Just like our body processes our low vibrating, physical energy.
As you can see in the picture below. The energy moves in a circular movement like a funnel. Becoming more narrow as it gets closer to our Chakras. And wider as it the energy flows away.
Colour: Red
Location: At the base of the spine.
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
The skeletal system, skin, blood, adrenal glands, large intestine, pelvis, hips, legs, feet and the lymphatic system (elimination system).
Connection to physical world and nature. It is our survival centre, relating to our basic needs of sense of security and stability. Such as money, job, and home.
Colour: Orange
Location: Around the belly button.
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana
The reproductive system, ovaries, uterus, lower digestive organs, kidneys, urinary tract and lower back.
The powerhouse of emotions, creativity and pleasure. This is all about sensations, sexuality, intimacy, relationships and emotions.
Colour: Yellow
Location: Below the chest.
Sanskrit Name: Manipur
The Middle back. Muscles. Digestive system and small intestine. Gallbladder. Liver, spleen, and pancreas.
This chakra is all about self-purpose, self-worth and determination. Embracing the authentic self and knowing you are responsible for you own thoughts, words, and actions.
Colour: Green and pink
Location: Centre of chest
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
The thymus, respiratory system, circulation system, immune system, heart, lungs, upper back, arms and hands
Unifies the physical and spiritual planes. Unconditional love and connectedness . Kindness, compassion, and affection to self and others.
Colour: Blue
Location: Middle of the throat
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Thyroid, parathyroid, metabolism, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, neck and the face in general.
Communication and expression. Sounds and vibrations. Expressing your own truth and standing up for what you believe in.
Colour: Indigo (Dark blue)
Location: Between the eyebrows.
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
The pituitary / Pineal gland, brain, hypothalamus, endocrine system, head, and eyes.
The powerhouse of our vision, intuition and wisdom. It is the centre of our conscious and unconscious psychological habits. Spiritual awareness, and psychic experiences.
Colour: White or Violet (Purple)
Location: Just above the centre of the head.
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
The nervous system, Pineal and pituitary gland and the mind.
The spiritual pillar, the seat to our soul. Universal consciousness and understanding of unity. Enlightenment, self-discovery, and wisdom. Wholeness and gratification. Spirituality and mysticism.
Here are 3 easy visualisations you can do on a daily basis to cleanse and balance your chakras. on a daily basis.
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