the evolution of
head to soul


Where it all began


The Birth of our Founder

Well, there would be no Head to Soul Holistic Therapies if I wasn’t born! As a child, I was always fascinated when adults spoke about ancient civilisations, tarot cards and all things supernatural. I was often told I light up the room when I entered and had a natural gift to lift spirits and make others feel better. During my teenage years, I loved going to spiritualist church with my family and watching mediums work with spirits, passing messages to their loved ones. I never received many readings, but it gave me tingles knowing there was more in the room than what we could conceive with our limited 5 senses.


2010 - 2012

Qualified Masseuse

I obtained a double distinction in Beauty Therapy  Sciences BTEC National Diploma. Which included therapies such as Swedish Massage, Hot Stones Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage. My massage teacher taught me about introducing crystals into Aromatherapy and other energy techniques such as muscle testing, to find an essential blend perfect for each individual. I didn’t understand crystals and energy back then, but I loved it, it was my favourite class, she was my favourite teacher. It’s only adequate she went onto become the registrar and compliance manager for The Federation of Holistic Therapists. 

2010 - 2012

2014 onwards

Discovering Consciousness

A childhood friend out of the blue sent me a video of Alan Watts talking about spiritualism, consciousness, and how we are all connected. My body tingled, my hairs stood on their ends. It confirmed everything I always thought! There is so much more to life than meets the eye, we are not just human beings. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. I got hooked on researching consciousness, spiritualism, chakras, meditation, metaphysical views, quantum science. I started blogging about what I had learned intending to help awaken others about consciousness.

2014 onwards


Discovering Reiki

In my early 20s, I was in search of my life purpose. I always felt I was put on earth to help others, but how? I asked a random Reiki Master on LinkedIn (I had no idea what Reiki was!) if they thought I born to be a healer. The kind person told me what I already knew, and advised Reiki as my starting point. They kindly gave me a call and gave me a taster of Reiki healing. Little did the stranger know, a few weeks before I had been in an accident and suffered multiple skull fractures, brain bleeding and bruising. When the healing began I felt energy rush through me, the most powerful feeling I had ever felt. That night I laid down in bed, and for the first time since the accident, the room didn’t spin violently. My head was not in agony. I was shocked, grateful and that night I fell in love with Reiki!



Reiki Level 1 Practitioner

After 2 years of daydreaming about being a Reiki practitioner and reading books all about it; the day finally came where I became attuned to channel the beautiful healing energy. I loved every minute of learning about this spiritual healing method and the principles. I learned more grounding, cleansing and protecting techniques. I felt like a child in a sweet shop! I had finally found what I wanted to do with my life, I was super excited to start living my life with Reiki! 



Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

After a year of self-healing, and learning to live by the Reiki Principles I felt ready for the next level! I thought I was ready to work on clients. I became attuned to 3 Reiki symbols. These symbols allow the flow of Reiki to be more powerful, creating harmony on a deeper level and sent through space and time. There was so much more to this beautiful frequency of energy than I ever thought. I realised I was not ready to offer Reiki to the public, I had so much more to learn and explore. So I delved into learning to channel Reiki through space and time, sending Reiki to friends, family, personal situations, plants, inanimate objects and global issues



Reiki Master Practitioner

In October 2020 a dream I held close to my heart for 5 years became true. I became a qualified Reiki Master! I became attuned to the powerful master symbol and learnt advanced Reiki techniques. I finally felt confident and ready to work on paying clients. The beautiful thing about Reiki is it is conscious energy that is not bound by space nor time, so I was divinely guided to start my practice in the middle of a pandemic and send healing to people all over the country and the other side of the world. I have loved every minute of connecting to wonderful souls and helping them along their healing journey.



Reiki Teacher & akashic healer

My dream of sharing Reiki with the world came true, I completed my Usui Reiki Master course in Teaching. And taught my first students the beautiful gift of Reiki. I also became a qualified Akashic Healer! Helping souls heal their past lives through the Akashic Records using the Violet Flame.



My own healing space

I had the blessing of finding the most beautiful Japanese styled treatment space in Badbury, Swindon. Head To Soul went from offering just distance treatments to in person treatments too! This was a fucking beautiful year of connecting with so many wonderful souls. Honing my gift as a therapist and teacher, and expanding my ability to hold space for others as they reconnect with themselves, and their innate healing ability.



Divine Circles

Wow, fuck! What a year already! The energies of this year is transformational. And called for death and rebirth within Head To Soul. I discovered the spirit, the essence behind Head To Soul and listened to her whispers. As well as my own hearts. I am here to teach, guide and empower people to reignite their connection to themselves. Their body, heart, soul and innate healing ability. And to do that I knew I needed to pivot. So I became a women circle facilitator. Focusing my energy towards gathering women,  to explore and heal together. Offering a new service called Divine Circles. I  also want to focus my attention to teaching Reiki more, spreading this beautiful gift as far as wide as possible!  Keep you eyes peels this year, as I look to introduce workshops on crystals, angels, and energetic self-care!


Take a look at our distance healing treatments designed to nourish you from head to soul.

Learn How to Reclaim & Retain Your Energy

Subscribe to receive a replay of my 90 minute workshop. Includes guided meditation & Energy Audit worksheet.