Fuck New Year Resolutions

journaling improves mental well-being This month I want to talk about the simple act of writing and how it can help your mental well-being. Writing, also known as journaling, is a powerful tool to have in your wellness toolkit! Have you ever pushed down your emotions? I’m sure all of us, from time to time, have …

The Gut Mind Connection

THE Gut Mind CONNECTION  I would love to talk about something very basic that can have a huge impact on Your mental wellbeing and that is food!  The nutrition you consume doesn’t just affect your physical body. It also affects your emotional and mental health. Food even affects your energy body too! Did you know …

Healthy Habits for a Healthy Mind

HEALTHY HABITS FOR A HEALTHY MIND Basic lifestyle changes and healthy habits can have a really positive effect on your mental wellbeing. As well as your overall being.  I know for me when I went through a very dark time with with post-natal depression after my first baby, many of the below habits really helped …

What The Fuck is Distance Reiki?

WHAT THE FUCK IS DISTANCE REIKI? The Reiki healing system was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s in Japan and is now a very sought after treatment across the western world. The word, Reiki (Pronounced Ray-Key) stands for “The Universal Life Force Energy”. Rei – Universal life Ki – Energy How Reiki …