BEWARE LSD KILLS! A recent scientific study has stuck its middle finger up at the laws of the land when it comes to Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Also known as Acid. This psychedelic drug was mistakenly found in 1938, by Albert Hofmann. A Swiss Chemist, who was seeking to find A blood stimulant. Albert didn’t …
Tag: Alternative News
We All Have Our Own Healing Ability
We All Have Our Own Healing Ability Yes, you read it, we all have our own ability to heal ourselves. All the medicine that we receive, whether it be a conventional pill or operation, holistic healing such as Reiki, aromather apy or acupuncture; can only boost our own bodies’ ability to heal itself It’s already …
Science Phenomenon Verifies Us Humans Share Thoughts!
Science Phenomenon Verifies Us Humans Share Thoughts! Crazy as it may sound to some, we humans telepathically interconnect with each other without realising it. Have you ever had that moment, when you’re thinking about something and then somebody voices your thought? That’s because we are all made of consciousness, thoughts to be exact. Hence why …