If so, come and join me as you embark on your transformational Reiki exploration. Reiki is one of the most rewarding and expansive gifts. In this course you will acquire the ability to channel Reiki and learn many tools you can you can use on yourself or share with others to heal, release and grow.
Do you feel called to heal others?
Do you feel like you have a higher purpose to serve?
Would you love to have to heal yourself, your family and friends.
Are you a therapist, doula, coach or a medical that would love to expand your services to help others?
If YES, then Reiki may just be the perfect starting point for you. It’s no accident you are being called to look at this empowering healing modality.
Making the most of your online Reiki course.
What is Reiki
The different levels of Reiki
Reiki Lineage
The origins of Reiki
The body is made of energy
How to sense energy
The energy body
The chakras
The aura
The human energetic body & heath
Scanning the chakras
Balancing the chakras
Cleansing the aura
The Ki to life
How Reiki heals
Benefits of Reiki
The body’s innate ability to heal
The body’s language
Japanese Kanji for Reiki
The importance of energetic self-care
Space cleansing
Energetic self-care meditation
What are attunements?
What to expect with your upcoming attunements
21-Day healing period
Changes in yourself following the attunements
Contraindications to Reiki
Sensations of a self-healing session
Connect & disconnect to Reiki
Self-healing treatment
Reiki principles
The sensations of a Reiki session
Contraindication to a Reiki treatment
Byosen scanning technique
Healing others
Nature & plants
Nutrition & inanimate objects
Distance Reiki
Personal & world problems
Manifesting goals
Reiki group
Ways to strengthen your Reiki connection
Crystal healing
Violet Flame healing
Cord cutting
Assessment to pass
Next steps
Recommended resources
This is Level 1, also known as Reiki First Degree, or Shoden. Level I is for beginners or those who need a refresher.
In this level your healing channel will be opened, and your energy will be attuned to come into harmony with the very unique vibration of Reiki.
You will be taught practical methods on how to use Reiki on yourself, friends, family, animals, children, nature and goals!
I will also be sharing with you techniques from other healing modalities to amplify the power of your healing practice.
For self healing, growth, & spiritual development
To become a Reiki Practitioner & share healing with the world.
To offer healing to friends, family, pets and plants.