Meditation isn’t just a “woo woo” practice (though I absolutely LOVE the woo!)—it’s backed by science!
We often think of meditation as something only monks or yogis do, but in reality, it’s one of the most accessible and powerful tools for overall wellbeing. You don’t need hours of silence, a fancy cushion, or perfect focus to benefit from it.
✓ Reduce stress & anxiety
✓ Lengthen attention span
✓ Promote emotional health
✓ Enhance self-awareness
✓ Improve sleep
✓ Reduce pain
✓ Boost the body’s natural healing state (rest & digest)
You can read more about the studies and benefits here.
And the best part? There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you prefer guided meditations, breathwork, or simply taking a mindful moment in your day, there’s a style for everyone.
We eat all the time. Next time you are eating, don’t eat at your desk. Instead sit down and focus on your food. What does it look like? Smell like? As you start to eat the food bring your attention to the feeling of the food in your mouth. The texture. The taste. The way you tongue moves the food around your mouth. This also helps you feel fuller after eating and creates healthier relationship with food.
Bring your focus to your breath. Focus on the rise and fall of your chest, or the feeling of the air entering your nose and leaving your mouth. If you find you have lost your awareness of breathe simply note the distracting thought or feeling and bring your mind back to your breath.
Exercise such a yoga or Qi-gong can be a form of meditation, as you kep your focus on your breathe and how your body feels. You can also meditate whilst you walk, just bring your attention to the feeling of your body moving. Or the sound of your footsteps. Or the feel of the wind against your skin. You can also do this whilst working, focus on the feeling of your fingertips touching the keyboard
I’m sure all of us enjoy visualising achieving our future goals. Try giving this visualisation a go, visualise your mind as the sky. And the thoughts that pass through see them as cloud sailing by. Some might be light and fluffy. Some might be dark and stormy. Just simply observe your thought clouds and know they are not you. You are the sky, there are merely passing through. There are tons of great guided visualisations on YouTube.
Another visualisation I find personally super helpful is one to help me let go of worries, feelings, or situations that do not serve me. Take a few deep breaths and visualise yourself sat down, this could be in a chair, on the ground in a beautiful meadow, or on a bench in the city whatever feels right for you. Reflect on a thought, worry, feeling or situation that has been affecting you in a negative way. See this thought, worry, feeling or situation turn into a balloon, it can be any size or colour you want. And simply let that balloon drift up in to the sky and out of this world with the intention to release this thought, feeling or situation that does not serve you. Do this with as many times as your need. Simply bring your attention back to your body, feel the weight of your body on the chair wiggle your toes, and open up your eyes to end the visualisation.
This is a simple mediation where you quiet your mind by placing you focus on an object of thing. You can put your hand on your belly and focus on its rise and fall as breath. You can focus on candle, watch the fire dancing around. If you feel your mind and eyes start wondering off bring your attention back to the candle. Or an easy one to do at work is put on a song, close your eyes, and place you full attention on the music, hear the different instruments, melodies, sounds. If you get distracted simply bring your focus back to the task. This will help calm your mind and improve your focus.
Right now, relax your forehead, unclench your jaw, rest your tongue on the bottom of your mouth and drop your shoulders. Feeling more relaxed and less tense already? We hold so much tension in our body it’s a great idea to check in with your body every now and again with a body scan. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath and slowly scan your body from the top of the head to souls of your feet. Noticing but not judging any tension, aches or feelings that arise.
This is a brilliant type of mediation where you focus on your breathe. There are many different methods and they have TONs of benefits. The breathe is what keeps you alive right? So it’s so important to tune in and look after your breathe. One way you can do this is to inhale on the count of four, hold for the count of 4, and exhale on the count of 4. Do this for a few minutes until your feeling more relaxed.
There thousands of free meditations on Youtube, or you can download an app such as HeadSpace, Calm, Insight Timer and Breethe.
Meditation isn’t about clearing your mind completely or achieving some mystical state—it’s about creating space for yourself, even if just for a few moments each day. Whether you prefer a structured practice or simply take mindful breaths between tasks, the key is consistency. Over time, you’ll likely notice shifts in your stress levels, focus, and overall well-being. So, why not give it a go? Start small, find what works for you, and remember—there’s no wrong way to meditate.