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Online Divine Circle
leo new MOON

7:00 - 9:00 pm BST
Thursday 1st August

Welcome to the sacred sanctuary of online Divine Circle. Imagine being part of a sacred virtual circle, where you can show up exactly as you are and be held in a nourishing community. Where you’re guided to peel back the layers  of conditioning, and discover your true self. Whether you crave deeper connection, spiritual awakening, or simply a pause from the busyness of life – this Online Divine Circle provides a nurturing container for your transformation.

Without even leaving your home, you’ll be lead through embodiment practices, journeys into your subconscious depths, and sacred rituals aligned with the rhythms of the moon. While not quite as potent as joining in-person, these virtual gatherings offer a powerful energetic vortex for profound healing, growth and sisterhood. If you’re ready to invest in your self-care & expansion within a sacred circle like-minded women, I invite you to take a seat in the next Online Divine Circle.

The Theme

Leo is the playful child of the zodiac that rules over the fifth house – the realm of creativity, self-expression, and joy. This is one of my favourite fucking moons! With it comes a shift of energy at the start of the summer holidays to bring us more fun and play. Guided by the heart chakras,

Ruled by the Sun, Leo connects us to our unique, radiant light, the source of our personal power and magnetism. He is here to remind you that its is MORE than okay to be fucking you, it’s time to take up space and shine! It’s what the world needs!

This New Moon invites us to journey into our hearts. To listen to bold call of our hearts, discovering what brings us joy and what we wish to create and manifest in our lives…. All whilst have shit tons of fun!

In this Divine Circle, we’ll immerse ourselves in Leo’s powerful, transformative energy. Through a blend of guided meditations, creative rituals, and introspective journaling, we’ll forge a deep connection with our inner light.

Join us as we embrace the radiant, bold, playful Leo moon to cultivate self-love, creative expression, and personal empowerment.

What's Including In This Online Divine Circle

In this women’s circle, we will be working with the fun, radiant energy of the Leo New Moon

🌙 Guided meditation to open our hearts and bask in our unique light, connecting with the courage, creativity, and self-expression of Leo energy

🌙 Playful creative ritual to celebrate self-love and play with your inner child

🌙 Reflective journaling to explore what we’re called to manifest and embrace our true desires

🌙 Set powerful intentions aligned with Leo’s bold, creative energy

🌙 A closing ritual to manifest our intentions, harnessing the power of the summer sun.

Under the influence of this radiant Leo New Moon, we’ll dive deep into our creative spirits and emerge ready to light up the world. We’ll harness Leo’s fiery energy to ignite our passions, boost our confidence, and step boldly into our personal spotlight.

working with the moon

These nourishing women’s circles are intentionally held every two weeks in alignment with the new and full moon phases. Each moon holds its own unique “flavour” as it passes through the astrological signs, offering specific energies and openings for growth.

The ceremonial elements of each Divine Circle are created with meaningful intention to help you tap into the parts of your world that are being influenced by the particular themes and opportunities presented by that moon’s essence.

Through a blend of transformative practices such as guided meditations, energy work, journaling, and sacred rituals, You will have the chance to peel back the layers, helping you to understand what you are feeling, what you are experiencing, what needs to be released, and what you need to welcome into your life. 

When you show up for these virtual moon gatherings, you’re not just embarking on your own journey of personal healing and growth. You’re quite literally becoming a vessel for collective healing. By circling together in this online sacred space, we are creating an energetic vortex between us, which ripples out within collective consciousness.  Reawakening the divine feminine energies of receptivity, intuitive flow, and nurturing that have been suppressed for far too long. 

Together, we rise, we love, and we transform.


Divine Circles are a scared gathering of women to be seen, heard, and held in a nurturing space as  we reconnect to ourselves through self exploration, sacred rituals, and healing, in alignment with the moon’s energy. 

I offer Divine Circles in-person in Swindon. As well as online, so women far and wide can connect with one another as their connect back to their heart, mind and body. 

Moon Ritual Packs are for those who cannot attend a Divine Circle. Or, simply wish to explore their depths in their own company and space. These are created with some of the guided meditations, rituals and journal prompts that are being used within the Divine Circles. So no one misses out on the magic. 

Divine Circles are a powerful way to work with the moon as women gather together to amplify the transformational energies. While the Moon Ritual Packs provides you with tools for personal exploration and growth, joining a Divine Circle takes the experience to a deeper level.

In a Divine Circle, you’ll have the opportunity to journey alongside other women, creating a sacred container of support, understanding, and collective wisdom. There is profound power in coming together as a circle of like-minded women, sharing our experiences, and holding space for one another’s growth.

When women gather in this way, something magical happens – our individual energies intertwine, creating a potent vortex of feminine power that radiates outward, impacting the world around us. You’ll find comfort in knowing that you are not alone in your journey, that others can relate to the ebbs and flows you experience with the moon’s cycles.

Together, you’ll engage in self-exploration, healing rituals, and practices that reconnect you to your intuition and inner guidance. The synergy of the group amplifies these processes, providing a supportive and nurturing environment for profound embodiment and transformation to occur.

Ultimately, joining a Divine Circle allows you to tap into the ancient wisdom of women’s circles, fostering a deeper sense of belonging, sisterhood, and personal empowerment. It is a sacred space where you can be truly seen, heard, and held, while simultaneously contributing to the collective healing and evolution of all. . Together, we rise, we love, and we transform.

A women’s circle is a sacred gathering of women coming together to share, heal, and grow along side one another. It’s a space where every woman is honoured, celebrated, and supported on her journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Each Divine Circle revolves around a theme related to the current moon phase, incorporating guided meditations, rituals, journaling, sacred sharing and heart-centered practices. Each circle will be co-created to nourish you, and deepen your connection to yourself and the divine.

Circles are held fortnightly, both online and in person, aligned with the new and full moon cycles.

Yes you will! You will need to bring…

  • Journal & Pen
  • A mat or cushion to sit on 
  • A blanket if you like to be snuggly & warm.
  • An open heart and intention to connect

Each circle will be focused around different theme. Some circles I will ask you to bring other items with you to help us with our practice and ceremony. 

You will beenfit from this circle most if you find a space within your house where you will not be disturbed. This is an oppotunity for you to really tune into yourself so you make wish to set the ambience for sacred rituals. You can cleanse the energy in the room by opening the window for a little while, or burning incense. You may wish to soften the lighting with a lamp, fairy lights or candles. Do what ever you wish to make this a magical place for you!

Divine Circles held in person in Swindon are £22

Virtual Divine Circle where women all over gather online are £15

Moon Ritual Packs where you work with the moon in your company in your own space is £5

Women hold a huge part in the healing and transition of earth. Women have been demonised & controlled for so long that the planet and humanity has suffered. In coming together and connecting we invite back our intuition & our true power, which will make the world a more softer, connected, nurturing planet world. 

Divine Circle is a sharing circle, so women share what came up for them during the rituals, meditations or journalling as this can help integrate the energy and the work that’s just been done. However, everything we do in the circle is an invitation only, so you don’t have to share or even do a particular ritual if you don’t feel comfortable.



the Values at the heart of Divine Circles


Reconnection back to self, to the body, heart, spirit, nature, the moon and sisterhood.


Co-creating a loving, nurturing container to be vulnerable, to be seen, heard & held.


Together we explore our roots, our hearts and our souls. We will shred, heal and grow.


Rising our vibration through sacred rituals that nourish the divine feminine. 

Learn How to Reclaim & Retain Your Energy

Subscribe to receive a replay of my 90 minute workshop. Includes guided meditation & Energy Audit worksheet.