Embracing Balance
How to Work with the Autumn Equinox

As the leaves begin to turn and a crisp chill fills the air, we can feel the energy of the Autumn Equinox drawing closer. On 22nd, September, day and night stand in perfect balance, inviting us to pause and reflect on our own balance. But what makes this event so special, and how can we harness its energy in our lives?

What is the Autumn Equinox?

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, marks the moment when light and dark are perfectly balanced as we stand at the crossroads of the Summer & Winter Solstice. It’s a pivotal point in Earth’s annual journey around the sun, signalling the official start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

A Glimpse into Ancient Traditions

Our ancestors, deeply attuned to nature’s rhythms, celebrated the Autumn Equinox as a sacred time. In Neolithic cultures, it was a period of harvest and celebration. They gathered their crops, feasted, danced, and offered prayers of gratitude for Earth’s abundance. These ancient ascendants recognized the profound shifts in seasons, a practice many of us have forgotten – but are beginning to remember.

We are the Earth & Stars Too

Did you know that we’re made of stardust, just like the Earth? This connection reminds us that we are nature, in our entirety. Our internal rhythms are intricately intwined to the world around us. As we remember this truth, our souls yearn for alignment with the cycles of the earth and sky, guiding us to honour our inner seasons.

5 Ways to Work with the Autumn Equinox

As the Earth’s energy begins to wane, we too are called to embrace this season by harvesting what we’ve grown and preparing for the stillness of winter. Here are five ways to align yourself with the Autumn Equinox:

  1. Take Stock of Your Harvest: What seeds did you plant in spring that have now bloomed? Reflect on your achievements, challenges, lessons, and blessings since the Spring Equinox.
  2. Nourish Yourself: As nature retreats inward, you’re invited to do the same. Cultivate daily practices that nurture your mind, body, and soul even if it is just for 10 minutes!
  3. Slow Down and Embrace Stillness: Honour the natural cycles of rest and renewal. Take time to listen to your inner wisdom and prepare for the introspective months ahead.
  4. Release and Let Go: Like trees shedding their leaves, release what no longer serves you. This creates space for new growth and expansion.
  5. Plant Seeds of Intention: As nature drops seeds for spring growth, set intentions to nurture them over the winter so they can bloom in spring.

Rituals for the Autumn Equinox

Deepen your connection to this powerful time with these simple yet meaningful rituals…

Create an Autumn Altar

Set up a sacred space in your home with symbols of the season: fallen leaves, acorns, candles, and meaningful crystals. This can serve as a reminder of the abundance you’ve received and your intentions for the months ahead.

Gratitude Ceremony

In honour of the harvest, take a moment to acknowledge the abundance in your life. Celebrate your personal harvest by writing down everything you’re grateful for from the past year. Place this list on your altar as a symbol of what you have reaped.

Balance Ritual

Light two candles – one for light, one for darkness. Reflect on areas of imbalance in your life. Think about where you’ve been giving too much or too little of your energy. With each breath, visualize yourself harmonizing these parts of your life, inviting more balance and peace. Set an intention to carry this sense of balance forward through the darker months of the year.

Release Ritual

Write down anything you want to release onto a piece of paper. Habits, fears, relationships, thoughts, cycles, emotional baggage, anything. Then burn it with the intention for the fire to transmute the listed items into unconditional love. Release the ashes to earth as a symbolic act of letting go.

Journal Prompts for Deeper Reflection

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and connection. Use these prompts to deepen your connection with the Autumn Equinox energy:

  1. Your Harvest
    • What achievements or personal growth have I experienced this year?
    • What challenges have I overcome, and how have they helped me grow?
    • What am I most grateful for?
  2. Nourishing Your Soul
    • Do I find it easy or difficult to give myself time to self-nourish and love?
    • Who and what nourishes me?
    • What does nourishment mean for me?
  3. Embracing Stillness
    • What areas of my life feel out of balance?
    • Do I avoid moments for tuning into my inner world by making myself busy?
  4. Letting Go
    • What old patterns, beliefs, or relationships are no longer serving me for the highest good?
    • What people and situations (including myself) do I need to forgive?
    • How can I declutter my home, phone, social media?
  5. Planting Seeds of Intention
    • What is my big-hearted vision?
    • Who do I need to become for that to become my reality?
    • What seeds of intention do I wish to sow and to be nurtured over winter?

Take time to sit with these questions, allowing your responses to flow naturally. Your journal can become a sacred text of your personal journey through the seasons.

Honoring the Autumn Equinox in Your Life

The Autumn Equinox offers a powerful opportunity to pause, reflect, and realign with your inner balance. As we prepare for the darker days ahead, we’re reminded of the importance of rest, release, and renewal.

By aligning with autumn’s energy, we honour both the light and dark aspects of life as essential parts of our journey. Take this time to slow down, celebrate your personal harvest, and prepare for a winter of introspection and inner growth.

Remember, the intentions you set now are like seeds planted for spring. Nurture them through the coming months, and watch as they blossom into beautiful new beginnings.

Happy Autumn Equinox! How will you celebrate this sacred time of balance and reflection?